Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Assess Your English Skills!

English Quiz!

Before you learn further about english studies, you would like to assess your current skill, wouldn't you? Some of you maybe good in grammar, while others week in vocabulary. Don't worry, you are here to learn. Every mistakes is learning so that you wouldn't do it again another time.

So shall we start?

Please bear in mind, the outcome of this test can't be considered as your TOEFL Score at the moment since this teat is meaning to give you an overview about your english skills. In addition, this test is taken from TOEFL test online.

  1. What year did you _____ university?

  2. graduate
    graduate from
    graduating from

  3. Chicago is a large city, _____ ?

  4. aren't it
    isn't it
    won't it
    doesn't it

  5. I had _____ finding my way around New York when I first arrived.

  6. quite time
    a quite time
    a time quite
    quite a time

  7. Guess who I _____ yesterday. I saw my old landlord at the bank.

  8. into run
    into ran
    ran into
    run into

  9. My assistant John will be _____ in my absence.

  10. charging
    on charge
    in charge
    for charge

  11. It is very rude to point _____ someone in many cultures.

  12. at

  13. It _____ the day before yesterday.

  14. snowed
    was snowed
    has snowed
    was snow

  15. Have you ever _____ on a horse? It is a wonderful experience

  16. rode
    to ride

  17. It's not an easy task. However, please have him _____ it.

  18. do
    to do
    have to do

  19. It's often difficult for a young child _____ clothes.

  20. wearing
    to wear
    putting on
    to put on

Let's see how many question you answer right, shall we?


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