Advice To Next Year Students
First of all, what I would like to mention is that you should not think that everything you have learned so far throughout your entire learning process about the English language is enough. No, in fact, it's not enough and it has never been enough! How could this be possible? Try to imagine how many new english words are invented each day. Every word that has been mentioned in the dictionary has not been updated. Every month or probably each week, new english dictionaries are published. Why is that? It's all because of the fact that new english words are invented every day! They would have not published new dictionaries if there had not been any new english words. I know it's hard to believe, but that's the fact.
I found this fact throughout my experience. As I thought my current english level is sufficient and enough, I found out that I was totally wrong. Having IELTS of band 6.5 doesn't mean that I am able to cope up with grammar, vocabulary and accuracy in english language. In fact, I realized that those are my weaknesses as I need to improve. Furthermore, since now I'm doing my tertiary education in completely diverse ambiance, everyday I'll meet new people with different personalities, different way of thinking and the way they intepret words.
Let's try to take an example. Suppose there are three persons talking to each other about their english grades.
A: Hey, what do you think about your english grades? Are you guys going to pass it?
B: I'm sure I'm going to pass it more or less.
C: Well, I might pass. However, I'm not really sure since I've got insufficient grades for the last assignments.
You see? How a simple answer, YES or NO, can be interpreted in many different ways? One of them are certainly sure about it, but the other persons are being vague. It can be interpreted as yes or no. Therefore, by only looking this simple situation, do you still think that your level of english now is enough?
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